Sunday, November 14, 2004

Dr. Green's CV

Saul Green, Ph.D
340 West 57th Street, Ste. 8J
New York,N.Y., l00l9


City College of New York B.S l948
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Biology
State University of Iowa M.S. l950
Major: Biochemistry
State University of Iowa Ph.D. l952
Major: Biochemistry
Minor: Microbiology
Organic chemistry

Ph.D. Thesis: A relationship between the existing level of the naturallyoccurring anticoagulant, Heparin, in the blood and the hemorrhagicdiathesis of radiation sickness.

Predoctoral Experience:
Teaching Assistant 1949-1950 Undergraduate Chemistry
Research Assistant 1950-1952 Naturally Occurring Anticoagulants in Blood and Urine
Assistant to State Toxicologist
Iowa State Police l951-1952 Alcohol and poison analysis in forensic medicine

Professional Profile:
1997- Present Science Editor, The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. Publisher, Prometheus Books.

Present Member, Board of Directors, NCAHF

1996- Present Advisor American Council on Science and Health

1982- Present President, Zol Consultants, Inc. Advised, assisted and directed establishment of basic cancer research programs; interferon production and purification procedures from human cells; isolation and purification of naturally produced Biological Response Modifiers (TNF) from mouse and human serums. Lectures to individuals representing State and Federal law offices, Hospitals,Insurance Companies and GraduateSchools on the scientific validity of claims made for "alternative treatments" for cancer, AIDS and other diseases. Assisted preparation of questions for deposition of witnesses; expert witness in matters of scientific validity of claims made for unorthodox treatments for cancer. TV panelist on subject of Alternative Medicine; closed circuit TV lecture on unorthodox treatments offered for cancer and AIDs; chaired workshop discussions on role of Immunology as it relates to cancer in children for the Candlelighter Society, 1988-1991

1988-1991 Scientific Director, Emprise Inc. Washington,DC. Under NCI-SBIR grant, (R 44 CA 41953), collected, evaluated and documented material from peer reviewed and non peer reviewed publications on the subject of Unorthodox and Alternative therapies for Cancer. In collaboration with Mrs. Grace P. Monaco, health fraud attorney and consumer Ombudsman, produced a database on the subject of unproven methods for treating cancer intended for inclusion into the existing NCI database information service called PDQ.

1984-1987 Senior Scientist, Manager of Protein Separation Group, Director of Research and Development for Biological Response Modifiers, ie TNF. Philadelphia Biologic Center, Inc. Designed research and production laboratories Trained technicians and directed research on isolation , purification and characterization of Biological Response Modifier with antitumor activity from normal human cells in culture.

1983-1988 Visiting Professor and Lecturer Division of Surgical Oncology, Dept. of Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.- Presented lectures to students and medical school faculty on the claims for scientific basis of Alternative Treatments in collaboration with Dr. Harold Wanebo, Departmental Research Programs.

1983-1984 Director of Research and Development U.S. Biologic Products, Inc. N.Y. Designed laboratory for the production interferon and for the partial purification and analysis of its biological potency. Directed research.

1973-1982 Associate Member and Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry Sloan-Kettering Division of Cornell Graduate School of Medical Science; Chairman, Mammalian Antitumor Factors Research Labs Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,N.Y.

1973-1979 First isolation of Tumor Necrosis Factor from blood of experimental animals and then identification of a similar anti tumor activity the serum of normal human blood. Expanded research on this factor with Dr.Harold Wanebo, Chief, Dept. of Surgery, Roger Williams Memorial Hosp.Providence RI.

1959-1973 Associate (1967-1977) ; Assistant(1959-1967). Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, N.Y.,N.Y.

1959-1972 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, C.C.N.Y. Open enrollment program. Department of Chemistry, Hunter College of New York. Manhattan Marymount College, Department of Biology. N.Y.N.Y.

1954-1959 Research Associate, Department of Medicine and Endocrinology, Cornell Medical School, N.Y. N.Y. Cause and effects of irreversible hemorrhagic shock. Research on iron metabolism and increased production of highly oxidizing free radicals through chelation of Fe with EDTA. Studies on release of iron from liver Ferritin stores and effects of iron in plasma on the oxidation of circulating adrenaline.

1952-1954 Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratories, Univ. of Virginia Hospital, Charlosttesville, Va. Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, Univ. of Virginia Medical School.

Professional organizations:
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Sigma Xi
The American Chemical Society
The Harvey Society
New York Academy of Science
American Society of Biological Chemists
American Association for Cancer Research
American Association for Advancement of Science
Nat'l Council Against Health Fraud; Bd. of Directors.
Amer. Council on Science and Health. Bd of Advisors
American Cancer Society, Alternative and Complementary Methods of Cancer Mgmt. Subcommittee
Fellow, CSICOP advisor

Grants, Awards, Speaking Engagements:
NIH Career Development Award, 1963-1968
Invited Speaker, Internatl. Cancer. Congress Tokyo, Japan, 1967.
Invited Speaker, Euro. Biochem. Soc., Hamburg, Germ. 1972
Invited Speaker, Brit. Biochem. Soc., Canterbury, Eng. 1972
Invited Speaker, Fogarty Internat'l Ctr., Bethesda, Md. 1973
Damon Runyon Memorial Award, #1143, 1970-1972.
Invited Speaker, 4th Internat'l Biochem. Symp. Hamburg, Germ. 1976
Amer. Cancer Soc. Grant, 1976-1978, BC#225
NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant, 1978-1979
Nat'l. Cancer Institute Grant, 1978-1981, CA-23906
Lecturer, Nat'l Microbiological Labs. Stockholm , Sweden. 1980.
Lecturer, N.Y. Times Wellness Program."Alternative Medicine"7/26/94
Panelist, Lyceum Club, NY Acad. Sci." Alternative Medicine "2/22/95
Panelist, 9th Ann.Stanford Health Policy Forum. Alternative Medicine; Assessing Unconventional Therapies. Palo Alto,CA. 4/22/95
Panelist, AAAS Symposium, "Alternative Medicine in a Scientific in a Scientific World. Evaluating the Science of Alternative Medicine. Seattle , WA. 2/14/97.
Panelist, Amer. Assn. Clin. Chem. "Societal Impact of Cancer". Alternative Medicine In The Treatment of Cancer; Hype or Hope. Atlanta, GA. 7/22/97.
Lecturer, The Philadelphia Assn. for Critical Thinking. "What is proof when considering claims of Alternative Healthcare? Bensalem, PA. March 21, 1998.
Lecturer, Rocky Mountain Skeptics Conference: "Fighting Back"; Boulder, CO. What is alternative about Alternative Medicine?) June 12-13, 1998.
Panelist- Amer Soc Med. Colleges. Alter.Medicine in Research, Medical Education and Clinical Practice. New Oleans, LA. Nov. 1998
Guest Lecturer, N.Y. Acad. Sciences.,The Lyceum Club. Complementary/Alternative Medicine: An Overview. New York, N.Y. Feb 16, 1999.
Panelist, CSICOP/SRAM Symposium. Science and Alternative Medicine. Philadelphia, PA. February 27-29, 1999.
Guest Lecturer: Los Alamos National Labs, June 6,01. Alternative Medicine: Fact or Fiction.
Guest Lectureer: St. Elizabeths College, New Jersey. June 23,01.

TV Guest Appearances:
CBS-TV News. Frank Field. "Quackery" 9/25/80
NBC-TV News. "Medical Quackery- Lawrence Burton" 10/5/85
Morton Downey Jr. Show. "Alternative Medicine-Revici, 7/19/90
Arthur Miller. Headlines on Trial. PBS-TV"-Atkins/ Donsbach 6/4/89
Geraldo Rivera Show. CBS-TV "Medical Fakes-Revici" 7/19/90
Geraldo Rivera Show. CBS-TV "Diet Doctors- Robert Atkins" 3/10/93
From the Hill, CNBC.-"OAM" Joseph Jacobs, MD, Director , 8/7/93
Crusaders, NBC-TV. " Quacks", Emprise Database, 10/23/93
"Alive and Wellness", CNBC-TV, America is Talking, 7/1/94
"Cured! Secrets of Alternative Med." Homeopathy, NBC-TV, 7/5/94
"48 Hours","Hype or Hope-Chelation Therapy.", CBS TV, 1/12/95
"Eyewitness News", Chelation Therapy" ABC-TV, 5/6/95
"Night Line-". Antineoplastons" Ted Koppel. ABC-TV, 5/19/95
"48 Hours, S.R.Burzynski trial CBS-TV, 3/6/97
"Prime Time Live, Nicholas Gonzalez, MD.! ABC-TV, 10/99

1. Gibson RB, Carr TL, Green S. and Fowler WN. Photometric assay of plasma heparin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1952;79:577-580

2. Mazur A, Green S, and Shorr E. The oxidation of adrenalin by ferritin iron and hydrogen peroxide. J. Biol. Chem. 1956;220:227-235

3. Green S, Mazur A, and Shorr E. Mechanism of catalytic oxidation ofadrenalin by ferritin. J. Biol. Chem. 1956;220:237-255.

4. Green S, and Mazur A. Uric acid metabolism and the mechanism of ironrelease from hepatic feritin. Science 1956;124:1149-1150

5. Green S and Mazur A. Relation of uric acid metabolism to release ofiron from hepatic ferritin. J. Biol. Chem. 1957;227:653-669

6. Mazur A, Green S, Saha A, Carleton A. Mechanisms of the release offerritin iron in vivo by xanthine oxidase. J. Clin. Invest. 1958;37:1809-1817

7. Mazur A. and Green S. Relation of iron to sulfhydryl groups inferritin. Chapter III in: Sulfur in Proteins. Proceedings of a Symposium.New York, N.Y. Academic Press. 1959, 189-196

8. Mazur A. Green S. Carleton A. Mechanism of plasma iron incorportation into hepatic ferritin. J. Biol. Chem. 1960;235: 595-603

9. Green S. and Bodansky O. Effect of methylbis b-chloroethylamine(nitrogen mustard) on the diphosphopyridine nucleotidase activity ofEhrlich ascites cells and the role of this effect in glycolysis.J.Biol.Chem. 1962;237:1752-1757.

10. Green S. and Bodansky O. Quantitative aspects of the relationshipbetween nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and the enzyme nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase in Ehrlich ascites cells. J. Biol.Chem. 1963;238:2119-2122

11. Green S. and Bodansky O. Some properties of the enzyme nicotinomideadenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase from mouse Ehrlich ascites cells.J. Biol. Chem. 1964; 239:2613-2617

12. Green S. and Bodansky O. The solubilization, purification andproperties of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycolydrolase fromEhrich ascites cells. J. Biol. Chem. 1965;240:2574-2579

13. Green S. The effect of l,3 bis (2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea onnicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase of mouse and rateneoplastic and normal tissues. Cancer Research, 1966;26:2481-2484

14. Green S. and Dobrjansky A. Relationship of the nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide glycohydrolase activity to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide content and rate of proliferation of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Research 1967;27:2261-2266

15. Nisselbaum JS and Green S. A simple ultramicro method for thedetermination of pyridine nucleotides in tissues. Analytical Biochem. 1969;27:212-217.

16. Green S. Dobrjansky A and Bodansky O. A role for nicotinamindeadenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase in the control of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. Cancer Research 1969;29:1568-1573

17. Green S. Dobrjansky A. A relation between pyridine nucleotidedependent dehydrogenase activity and NAD glycohydrolase in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Research 1970;30: 346-355.

18. Mamaril FP, Dobrjansky A and Green S. A rapid method for the isolation of nuclei from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Research 1970;30:352-356

19. Green S and Dobrjansky A. pH-dependent inactivation of NADglycohydrolase by its substrate , oxidized NAD. Biochemistry, 1971;10:2496-2500.

20. Mamaril FP and Green S. Isolation and partial characterization ofglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-inactivating factor from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Research 1971; 31: 487-490.

21. Green S. and Dobrjansky A. Inactivation of NAD glycohydrolase fromlivers of different mammalian species by NAD. Biochemistry 1971;10:4533-4538.

22. Mamaril FP and Green S. Properties of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase from Ehrolich ascites tumor cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 1971;147: 583-587

23. Green S. and Dobrjansky A. NAD glycohydrolase from Ehrlich ascitestumor cell nuclei: isolation partial purificaction and properties.Biochemistry 1972;11:4108-4112

24. Green S. Properties of mammalian nuclear and microsomal NADglycohydrolases. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie 1972;353:851

25. Green S. and Mamaril FP . NAD related enzymes in tumor cell nuclei.Biochem. Soc. Transactions. 1973;1:636-642

26. Green S. The role of NAD and of NAD glycohydrolases in the regulation of enzymes in the tumor cells. Fogarty International Center Symposium (NIH) 1973

27. Carswell EA, Old LJ, Kassel RL, Green S, Fiore N., Williamson B. Anendotoxin induced serum factor that causes necrosis of tumors. PNAS, USA 1975;72:3566-3568.

28. Green S. Dobrjansky A. Carswell EA, Kassel RL, Old LJ, Fiore N, andSchwartz MK. Partial purification of a serum factor that causes necrosisof tumors. PNAS , USA 1976;73:381-384.

29. Helson L, Green S, Carswell EA and Old LJ. Tumor necrosis factor:Effects in human melanoma cultures. Nature 1975;258:731-732.

30. Hoffman M. Green S. Old LJ. Oettgen HF Serum containing endotoxin-induced tumor necrosis factor substitutes for helper T cells. Nature 1976;263: 416-417.

31. Winawer SJ, Fleisher M. Green S. et al Carcinoembryonic antigen in colonic lavage. Gastroenterology in press 1977

32. Green S. Dobrjansky A, Chiasson MA, Carswell EA , Schwartz MK, andOld LJ . Studies with C parvum in the production of mouse tumor necrosisfactor (TNF). J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 1977;59:1519-1522

33. Shah, RG, Green S. and Moore MAS, Colony stimulating and inhibitingactivities in mouse serum after C. parvum-endotoxin treatment. J. Retic.Soc. 1978;23: 29-41.

34. Green S. and Helson L. Human serum factor inhibits human tumors invitro and in vivo. J. Cell Biol. 1978;79:part 2, 67, #306

35. Helson L. Helson C. and Green S. Effects of murine tumor necrosisfactor on heterotransplanted human tumors. Exptl. Cell Biol. 1979; 47:53-60.

36. Green S. Chiasson MA and Shah RG Evidence for the presence of anantitumor factor in serum of normal animals. Cancer Letters 1979;6:235-240.

37. Green S. and Dobrjansky A . C. parvum: effects on the biochemistryof mouse serum and liver. JNCI 1979;63:497-502

38. Higgins PJ and Green S. Incresed serum levels of tumor associcatedantigen reflect TNF-induced necrosis with Meth A tumors. J.Applied Biochem. 1980;2:66-71.

39. Green S. Kim SH, Hlinka J. Chiasson MA, Dobrjansky A and Ensign N. Aprotein fraction (NHG) from serum of normal humans which is cytotoxic for HELA cells in culture. Cancer Letters, 198l;11:345-350.

40. Green S. Dobrjansky A and Chiasson MA,. Murine TNF: purification and effects on Myelomonocytic leukemia cells. JNCI 1982;68:997-1003

41. Wanebo, HJ , Green S, Marshall D and Pace RC. Antitumor effects of (NHG-l) on human tumor cells in vitro. JNCI 1984:72:545-556.

42. Fugita, H. Teller, MN, Green S. Kreis W. Effects of 5-fluorouraciland 2-metholdihydrotestosterone propionate on the growth of human breastcancer MCF-7 in vitro. Eur. J. Cancer Clin Oncol. 1983;19: 1231-1237.

43. Suyama K. Goldstein J. and Green S. Effects of Murine TNF on Frienderythroleukemia cells. Expl. Cell Biol. 1985:53:85-92.

44. Suyama K. Goldstein J. and Green S. Antitumor activity of NHG: Effects on murine and human erythroleukemia cells. Expt. Cell Biol. 1985:53:93-99.

Alternative Treatment Papers

45. Green, S. Unproven Methods: Cancer and Surveillance by the Immune System in Man. COPE, April/May 1989: 42-44

46. Green, S. A review; The Cancer Industry: Unraveling the Politics by Ralph W. Moss 1989, Paragon House, N.Y. Nutrition Forum:May/June 1991:8:18

47. Green S. Special Communication: Antineoplastons -- An Unproven CancerTherapy. JAMA 1992:267:2924-2928

48. Green S. Special Communication: The Gerson Treatment for Cancer: A rationale for use of coffee enemas and diet. JAMA 1992:268:3224-3227

49. Monaco GP , Green S. Recognizing deception in the promotion of untested and unproven medical treatments. N.Y.State Med J. 1993:93(#2):88-91

50. Green, S. Special Communication: Immunoaugmentative Therapy (IAT); An Unproven Cancer Treatment. JAMA 1993: 270 (#14):1719-1723

51. Green, S. Chelation Therapy: Unproven Claims and Unsound Theories. Nutrition Forum. 1993, (Sept./Oct):10(#5):33-37.

52. Green, S. Oxygenation Therapy: Healing or Hot Air. Part I, Glyoxylide and H2O2. Nutrition Forum. 1996, (March/April); 13:#2:15-19.

53. Green, S. Oxygenation Therapy: Healing or Hot Air. Part I Tales from the "O" Zone. Nutrition Forum. 1996. (May/June)13:#3:25-28.

54. Green, S. Shark Cartilage; Therapy for Cancer. Nutrition Forum. 1997. (January/February 1997) 14:#1:1-5.

55. Green, S. Pseudoscience in Alternative Medicine: Chelation Therapy, Antineoplastons, The Gerson Diet and Coffee Enemas. The Skeptical Inquirer (Sept./Oct. 1997) 21:#5:39-42.

56. Green, S. Hydrazine Sulfate; Is It An Anticancer Agent? The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. (Fall/Winter 1997); 1:1:19-21.

57. Green, S. Outline of Principles and Criteria for Research and Evaluation of New Medicines. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. (Fall/Winter 1997) 1:1:32-35.

58. Green, S. A Guide to Alternative Medicine for the Layman. The Tarant County Physician. (Dallas, Texas) pp 13-15, June 1998

59. Green, S. Oxygenation Therapy: Unproven Treatments for Cancer and Aids. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. (Spring/Summer 1998) 2:#1: 6-13.

60. Green, S. Extracts of Glands, Coffee Enemas, Mega-Doses of Vitamins and Diets: A Treatment for Cancer Offered by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. (Fall/Winter, 1998) 2:#2:

61. London, Wm. M. with Green, S. The Penthouse Politics of Cancer: The promotion of hydrazine sulfate and a medical conspiracy theory. Priorities. vol. 10, #4, pps. 7-13, 34, 35. 1998

62. Green, S. What Physicians Should Know About Alternative Medicine: Science, Politics and Alternative Medicine. (In Press, 1999)

63. Green, S. Can alternative treatments induce immune surveillance over cancer in man. Biomedical Research. (Inaugural Issue. Chas. Sturt University. NSW Australia.) vol. 1 #1, September 1999.

64. Green, S. Can alternative treatments induce immune surveillance over cancer in humans? The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. vol. 4, #1. Spring/Summer, 2000.

65. Green, S. Facts or Fraud: A Look at Alternative Medicine. A speech to the Harvard Alumni Association, May 9, 2000, N.Y., N.Y. (See Perspective.

66. Raso, J. and Green S. ACSH, California Cancer Reform Bill: Bad law, Bad Medicine. June 12, 2000. (See

67. Green, S. Chelation Therapy: An Editorial. Nov. 22, 2000. (See

68. Green, S. You, Your Doctor and Alternative Medicine: An Editorial. Jan. 11, 2001. (See )

69. Green, S. Autogenous Vaccine: A Defense Against the Bacterial Organism that Causes Cancer. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine . vol. 5.#2. Spring 2001.

70. Green, S. Stated Goals and Grants of the Office of Alternative Medicine/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. vol 5, No. 4 (Fall,2001)

71. Green, S. and Sampson, W. EDTA Chelation Therapy for Atherosclerosis and Degenerative Diseases: Implausibility and Paradoxical Oxidant Effects . A Review. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. vol 6, No. 1 (Winter, 2002)

72. Green, S. How Did "Complementary Medicine" Enter Our Hospitals? American Council On Science and Health: HEALTH FACTS AND FEARS. http://healthfactsand/